Freelancer Limited Analyst Review – Underrated By The Market

Freelancer Limited

Code: FLN | Market Cap: $105.5m | Current Price: $0.24
Sector: Industrials
Broker: Edison

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Freelancer Limited Overview

Freelancer Limited operates a freelancing and crowdsourcing marketplace in Australia. The company operates in two segments: Online Marketplace and Online Payment Services. (

Freelancer provided a Q3 business update yesterday; despite reporting a 3% drop in Gross Merchandise value (GMV) to $222.3 million, the company achieved a positive operating cash flow for the quarter of $23.5 million.

Broker Highlights:

  • Despite the fall in GMV, the broker believes revenue likely grew, given the marketplace’s higher average take rate of GMV vs. However, this was not provided by the company.

  • Freelancer achieved a key target by delivering positive operating EBITDA in each division, driving a positive operating cash flow of $1 million in the quarter.

  • Marketplace GMV growth was driven by a 1.6 million user increase and a 1.9% lift in average project size.


The broker believes Freelancer’s share price does not reflect its long-term potential, with multiple levers driving value. The company trades at an 81% discount to peers on EV/sales across FY1e and FY2e, narrowing to 44% compared to Upwork and Fiverr. Showing further growth potential in either division could be a catalyst.

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